Monday, September 17, 2012

Gratitude or not?

As Americans, the vast majority of us are part of a highly privileged population. Although some of us may feel we are lower or middle class, this is perceived in reference to supposed upper-class Americans. But by world standards, we are most certainly privileged. So why, then, is it so easy to focus on what we do not have? I continually remind myself how important it is to remain grateful. Gratitude is critical, and despite its seeming simplicity, it's also inevitably layered with impressions of culture, social norms, and personal perspectives. Though there are countless reasons to be thankful, it's also, unfortunately, easy to be clouded by insecurities or social pressures or a slew of other factors that make us forget to be grateful for what we do have. Among the most powerful of these factors is comparison. Consider a most innocent example- a kid gets an ice cream cone and is thrilled. Then another kid comes and sits next to him with twice as many scoops; suddenly kid #1 is disappointed with what he was just excited to have. This is a prime example of gratitude being shrouded by comparison.

I think of how prevalent this dynamic is in our society, and in my own life. Any time I find my mind wandering to the things I wish I'd accomplished, the resources I wish I had, or the way I wish I looked, it nearly always seems to be heavily influenced by what I've seen others possess or do. After all, how could I feel 'less than' unless I've seen examples of what I consider 'more than.' Though it's subconscious 99% of the time, it's still a tendency that needs repair, and I believe genuine gratitude is the most powerful opposing force to such discontent.

I've written before on this topic, about how one makes gratitude a personal lived truth, rather than a mere statement. I've talked about how it is a chosen perspective to be thankful, despite being aware that there may be something 'better' out there. What I wonder today though, is this concept of comparison and how it taints gratitude altogether. I assume nearly everyone has experienced this train of thought, whether deliberately or not- "I wish, I want, I need... etc." followed by "there are people much worse off, I should be grateful it's not THAT bad for me, at least I have a home, a car, a job, whatever..." We live in society surrounded by the possessions and behaviors of others, so it's natural to be aware of what you have in reference to others, indeed it's often what causes discontent in the first place. But does bringing yourself back to a state of gratitude based on the awareness that others have less constitue genuine gratitude? To determine this, I suppose we would need an operational definition of 'genuine gratitude,' and I believe this can only be done subjectively, if it can be done at all. For me, I don't know that I'm able to define it, and for that matter, the dictionary can't either. They liken it only to thankfulness or appreciation, but lack any further description of what it reflects, where it comes from, and where it is directed. 

For me, in the absence of a definition against which to qualify my gratitude, I know simply that it reflects thankfulness to something, namely, the God I find responsible for creating the earth and everything within it, myself included. Based on this, I don't find gratitude-by-comparison to be sufficient. I feel it's somehow inauthentic or incomplete, and I wonder if it's even valid. For as I've previously written, I think gratitude should exist regardless of what's around you, be it supposedly 'better' or 'worse.' 

I wonder how others would define or at least frame gratitude, how vital it's found to be or not be, and whether gratitude by way of recognizing 'I could be worse off' constitutes real gratitude at all.... 


Fuj said...

I read your last statement as a prompt. 

You address a response that I think happens almost automatically, in my experience, when the subject of having "less than" comes up. That, "at least I have..." response. And while there is a trace of gratitude in that kind of response, it seems almost like putting an ice cube on a stove burn; a temporary consolation, to help you feel better about it quickly; however the burn is still there. I do think that some may find the exercise of looking for things to be grateful for to be genuinely uplifting, and..gratifying; while for others, this grateful-finding exercise is less effective (perhaps even an automatic response learned from those who actually do find it useful). 

I don't have an easy explanation, but I get the feeling that genuine gratitude for life and all that you "have" is much deeper. Comparison can cause want, and ungratefulness, but I think comparison also offers a glimpse into what is possible. Afterall, without comparison, we might not be inspired to be more than what we knew to be by the great people that have come through this world. So this comparison is often a trigger for ungratefulness. When I think of triggers for genuine gracefulness, I think of receiving a true gift. Something unexpected and something good that you didn't feel that you deserved. Now that I think about the concept of a gift, there is even more to speculate about, but for the purposes of this discussion, I think I would frame my idea of gratitude in the context of the awareness of all that I have that is good and that I do not deserve. When I think in this way, when I really dig to find what it is that I have "earned" and that I am entitled to, I find that there is really nothing. This is difficult, at times, to reconcile with the entitlements that our society has built up, and I don't know what to do about those, but if I bring myself back to this concept, I begin scratching at the root of ingratitude's burn.


Patrick said...

“I could be worse off” is certainly far off from the genuine gratitude you seek to uncover. Usually, this is just someone realigning themselves on whichever scale they happen to value; reminding themselves of their high rank. However, there is also something genuine and valuable that can occur behind this statement.

Oftentimes, “I could be worse off” serves as a catalyst and causes us to reflect on our own values and to realize the material/shallow things we chase are not the things we should be in pursuit of or what gives us value/contentment. These situations can help us to realign our priorities.

While words can certainly be the extension of an action, genuine gratitude is definitely not found in words alone. To just sit around and be thankful is not enough, true gratitude is shown through action; an outpouring of service to others and the sharing of our blessings with those in need. Genuine gratitude is shown when we give of our time, resources, and talents to others because we recognize that all of these things are gifts in the first place, gifts that we did not deserve.

You two both bring up great ideas in your closing statements. I am also thankful to God for creating me and this amazing world that I live in, and the heart of my gratitude lies in this idea of the “true gift” that Fuj brings up; a gift of great good given undeservedly. This is basically who Christ is, the man who laid down his life to cover over all of the bad things that we have ever done. In response, he has essentially asked us to love Him and serve others.

Let’s not pretend like any of this is easy. To turn away from the things our society is constantly telling us to value and pursue is a difficult and ongoing battle. And it will take more than a lifetime to fully comprehend the ideas of forgiveness, grace, and genuine gratitude. I know I fail every day.

Thanks for sparking a great conversation!


Tobin said...

Fuj- so true.. I agree that the "at least I have" approach could serve as a temporary consolation to our discontent. You bring up a good point though about the potential benefits of comparison. Not to size ourselves up against each other, but to respect the efforts and accomplishments of others and use it as a positive example of success.
Patrick- You also make a good point of another potential benefit of comparison, in its potential to spark a healthy analysis within our own self of the values we hold or perhaps have lost. Also, I agree it should be much more than words to be real. I wrote about that exact thing in a previous post!

Thanks for your thoughts guys, I love hearing responses!!