Sunday, March 1, 2009

There will always be great things and terrible things and fun things and not-so-fun things and hard things and new things and surprises and plans and changes in life. Of course, it matters a great deal how we responsd to our world.. but it's critical to recognize how we perceive and process the events of our lives before we respond. Perspective changes everything, I mean every. thing. I see perspective as the music you choose to play in the background of your life.. it may change to reflect different seasons or circumstances, but ultimately.. what theme songs have you adopted? Do they promote openness, or prejudice? Do they compel you to grow, or dwell in the past?

...what perspectives have you been operating with, and is it perhaps time to change the station and find a different tune?


Alex said...

mmm. ok, arent there circumstances beyond our control? how is extreme starvation a measure of perspective?
i think its super important to adjust our own perspective but similarly, i think its equally important to sing together. make sure we take care of each other and try on each others songs. So, when we encounter something too big to be a matter of perspective, we are not the only ones dealing with the problem. when we sing with others, we come to consensus about ideals, good and bad, right and wrong. when we do this we cant blame someone's misfortune on them and the song they are singing. while sometime it is deserved, in most circumstances, isnt it just to say there are things that challenge our world view (perspective, song) that influence how we sing? i think it cant be COMPLETELY on us do decide our own reality. (is that were you were going?) people who do that are nuts.
but, when we come to consensus and sing together we attain a new reason for living. all of a sudden we are apart of a bigger picture with goals and dreams beyond ourselves. while we can never truly be beyond ourselves and our perspectives, we can try to harmonize with each other. This is why relationships are so important! we cant know what the another person is thinking ever. but if we get to know people intimately, cant we start to understand how they think? Release comes when we sing together and choose to try and listen to one and others songs.
i need a blog.
love you tobs.

Tobin said...

thanks for responding, dialoguing is the only reason I write :)

response posted!

i couldn't help but have a flashback to senior sem after this though. a shiver up my spine remembering the intensity lol

...and the link- YOU WOULD!!!!